N4 Alarms to Slack Service
- Send Alarms to Slack
- Slack Is FREE
- Mobile or PC Notifications
- Unacked Alarms are sent Instantly
- Sends Remote Station Alarms
- Filter by Alarm Class
N4 Alarms to Slack instantly notifies of new station alarms. Slack is free and can be installed on pc, mobile, or used in the browser. Set up a Web Hook from your Slack account and insert the URL into the service property sheet. This service can be added multiple times for each station. # When station alarms arrive, they are instantly sent to a Slack channel of your choice.
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1. Copy the alarmsToSlack-rt.jar file to your modules directory.
2. Open the module from your palette file.
3. Drag and drop the service to your stations services configuration.
4. Sign up for Slack and Download for pc or mobile. Or you can use the browser version.
5. Create a new Channel and add a Web Hook.
For more information on web hooks see: https://api.slack.com/messaging/webhooks
6. Set the URL in the service property sheet.
Example web hook url : https://hooks.slack.com/services/TU22983/BU02437MW/QoJaxiTh9HLANcOjdkno
This is a comma separated field of absolute ords pointing to the alarm Classes you want to get
notification for.
By default the defaultAlarmClass is subscribed. This can be removed.
Add additional alarm classes as required. E.g.
Use the alarm class filters property, on the service to only send specific alarms classes to messenger.
Leave empty for all alarm classes to be sent.
blank - all alarm classes sent
Comma separated list examples:
defaultAlarmClass - only alarms with defaultAlarmClass will be sent
defaultAlarmClass,S2AlarmClass - both alarm classes will be sent